About the Project

Led a Team as the Product Lead to conceive and design a cutting-edge pet health and wellness platform that integrates vet consultations and community forums. Leveraging insights from over 500 user stories, the platform aims to capture a 2% market share within a $137 billion total addressable market (TAM) through a B2B SaaS business model.

  • Prototyped & tested 10+ innovative wireframe features
  • Identified crucial KPIs, focusing on Free-to-Premium conversion rates
  • Adhered to the MVP launch timeline to meet the Q1 2025 breakeven goal
  • Leveraged a scalable and reliable B2B SaaS business model for market entry

Let's take a look at the Pet parenting Market

The target market for the pet industry in the United States is substantial, as illustrated by the impressive figures in recent reports. According to the American Pet Products Association (APPA), there are 69 million households in the USA that own pets, encompassing around 85 million pet dogs and 74 million pet cats. The economic impact of this pet ownership is significant. In 2023, the total spending on pets in the USA reached a staggering $136.8 billion, representing the Total Available Market (TAM). Out of this, $27 billion is considered the Serviceable Available Market (SAM), which reflects the portion of the market that companies can realistically target with their products and services. Furthermore, the Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM), which is the segment of the market that a company can realistically capture, is valued at $6.75 billion. These figures underscore the vast opportunities within the pet industry, highlighting its potential for businesses looking to tap into a lucrative and expanding market.

From the pie chart we can get a sense of the market where Millennials are one of the largest segments in North America to have pets at 33% with Gen X being the second largest at 25% and the majority of them either have dogs or cats as their pet of choice. But the young american pet parent faces a lot of challenges in terms of not knowing the pets likes and dislikes, food preferences and various other attributes which leads to illnesses, deficiencies which seems like an overburdening situation for them. This is in part due to the lack of legitimate resources, access to vets on the go and a lack of an online community of experienced pet parents who have the experience of pet parenting and would be more than willing to share their insights with the novice pet parent.

The target customers in the pet industry are primarily Millennials and Generation Z, both of which present unique and lucrative opportunities for businesses. Millennials represent the largest share of pet owners and are characterized by their tech-savvy and digitally engaged lifestyle. This demographic is well-versed in using technology for various aspects of their lives, including pet care, making them an ideal market for innovative pet products and services that leverage digital platforms.
On the other hand, Generation Z, while younger, demonstrates a strong willingness to spend on pets and shows a keen interest in adopting new technologies. This generation is open to exploring advanced and modern solutions for pet care, driven by their comfort with and reliance on technology from an early age. Their readiness to invest in their pets' well-being, coupled with their openness to technological advancements, makes them a significant target for forward-thinking companies in the pet industry.
Although Generation X and Baby Boomers constitute a larger demographic, they are not the primary focus for our app. The main reason is that the primary features of our app are designed for novice pet parents, who are more likely to be found among Millennials and Generation Z. These younger generations are more inclined to seek out and adopt new technologies and digital solutions for pet care, aligning perfectly with the capabilities and functionalities of our app. By focusing on Millennials and Generation Z, companies can tap into a dynamic and expanding market that values both innovation & the well-being of their pets, ensuring the app's features are utilized to their fullest potential.

As a new pet parent, her primary goal is to grasp the fundamentals of pet care, including nutrition, training, and health maintenance, ensuring the well-being of her new furry friend. Emily also seeks a supportive community to share experiences, seek advice, and connect with others in a similar life stage.
Emily’s needs revolve around having access to comprehensive resources that cover all aspects of pet care. She values a user-friendly mobile app that provides seamless navigation and personalized recommendations, helping her make informed decisions about her pet's needs. Access to licensed veterinarians for online consultations is crucial for immediate guidance. However, Emily often feels overwhelmed by the vast amount of information available online and requires a solution that fits seamlessly into her busy schedule. Her uncertainty about decisions related to her pet's health and well-being also highlights the need for reliable expert advice.
This user persona provides a brief yet insightful understanding of Millennials and Generation Z, the primary target customers for our app. Emily represents Millennials who are tech-savvy, digitally engaged, and juggle multiple responsibilities. This demographic's reliance on technology for everyday tasks, including pet care, aligns with the innovative and digital solutions our app offers. Similarly, Generation Z, characterized by their willingness to spend on pets and openness to new technologies, aligns with Emily’s proactive approach to seeking reliable and comprehensive pet care resources. Both generations value convenience, expert advice, and community support, underscoring the importance of these features in our app. Understanding Emily’s profile helps us cater to the needs and preferences of Millennials and Generation Z, ensuring our app provides the necessary tools and support for novice pet parents.4o

A look at our solution: Tailwags Wellness

After analyzing the market, we envisioned TailWags Wellness as a comprehensive mobile application designed to address the diverse needs of pet parents in managing their pets' health and wellness. Our market analysis revealed a significant demand for reliable, professional vet consultations and interactive forums where pet owners can seek advice and support.
To meet these needs, TailWags Wellness will offer expert vet consultations, ensuring pet owners have access to professional advice at their fingertips. Additionally, we identified the importance of building a community of pet owners who can share experiences and support each other in a spam-free environment. This feature will help foster a sense of community and trust among users.
The user-friendly design of TailWags Wellness is aimed at making navigation and information retrieval straightforward and intuitive. Our vision is to establish TailWags Wellness as the premier resource for pet health, emphasizing the delivery of accurate, professional-verified information. By focusing on these core features and values, TailWags Wellness is poised to become an indispensable tool for pet parents, revolutionizing the way they care for their pets.

Our strategic approach unfolds in three carefully curated phases:

Creating a WebMD for Pet Cats and Dogs
In the first phase, we will develop a comprehensive, authoritative platform similar to WebMD, but specifically tailored for pet cats and dogs. This phase will include:
1) Pet and Disease-Specific Vet Verified Articles: Offering detailed, vet-verified content on a wide range of topics, including nutrition, exercise, common illnesses, and behavioral issues. These articles will provide pet parents with reliable information to make informed decisions about their pets' health.
2) Voice-Based AI Resource Facilitator: Introducing a voice-activated AI assistant that helps pet owners find the information they need quickly and easily. This tool will enhance user experience by providing instant, accurate answers to health-related queries.

Building a Trusted Community of Pet Parents
In the second phase, we will create a supportive and spam-free community where pet parents can connect, share experiences, and seek advice. This phase will involve:
1) Invitation and Subscription-Based Registration: Ensuring a trusted community by implementing an invitation system and a subscription fee of $4.5 per month. This approach will help maintain the quality and integrity of the community.
2) Location, Pet, and Disease-Related Groups: Organizing the community into specific groups based on location, pet type, and specific health concerns. This will enable members to engage in more relevant and meaningful discussions, fostering a sense of belonging and support.

Access to Vet Consultations
The final phase aims to provide pet owners with convenient access to professional veterinary advice. This phase will feature:
1) Virtual Vet Consultations: Offering virtual consultations at different price points to accommodate both free and premium users. This service will make expert veterinary advice accessible to all pet parents.
2) Location and Time-Specific Vet Recommendations: Providing personalized recommendations for local vets based on the user's location and availability. This feature will help pet parents find the right vet at the right time.
3) Schedule In-Person Appointments: Integrating a system to book in-person appointments with local veterinarians, ensuring seamless continuity of care for pets. This service will streamline the process of getting professional help when needed.

Let's look at the Competition

TailWags Wellness competes with Wagr and The Kin, each offering distinct strengths. All three platforms maintain competitive pricing and strong website presence, reflecting high user satisfaction. TailWags Wellness excels in design, setting it apart with a visually appealing and user-friendly interface. However, it has room to improve in mobile compatibility, currently rated moderate compared to the high ratings of Wagr and The Kin.
TailWags Wellness is moderately prominent in the US market, indicating growth potential compared to the high prominence of its competitors. While vet collaboration is strong, there is an opportunity to further enhance these partnerships. The platform also provides valuable additional services but could benefit from further diversification to match the high offerings of Wagr and The Kin.
The AI chatbot feature is a notable area for development, with TailWags Wellness currently rated low, unlike Wagr which excels in this category. By integrating advanced AI capabilities, TailWags Wellness can offer more personalized support.

Wag! and Rover lead the market with strong presence and innovative solutions. Wag! connects pet owners with walkers and sitters, while Rover offers similar services with robust booking and communication tools.
Wagr is a popular app in India with significant market presence, yet it has room to expand its services further.
The Kin focuses on innovative pet parenting solutions but struggles with execution and market presence.
Niche Players
PetZam specializes in veterinary advice and health information but remains limited by its niche segmentation and popularity.
TailWags Wellness
Positioned near the leaders, TailWags Wellness balances strong execution with a comprehensive vision. To solidify its standing, it can enhance execution strategies and expand market presence.

After looking at the Competition, we formulate the strategy for TailWags Wellness to go-to market which aims to become the premier pet health platform, offering comprehensive resources, expert guidance, and a supportive community to enhance pets' well-being and strengthen the human-animal bond. Our strategy encompasses five key elements:
The primary market for the product is the USA, where there is a high demand for reliable and accessible pet health services. To reach this market effectively, we will utilize both a mobile app and a website, ensuring convenience and accessibility for pet parents across different platforms. TailWags Wellness aims to ultimately become the "911 for pets," providing urgent, reliable information and services that pet parents can depend on in critical moments.
We will adopt a phased approach to continually enhance our service, allowing us to adapt and improve based on user feedback and emerging needs in the pet care market. To ensure sustainability while providing valuable resources and services, we will implement a subscription-based model, offering both free and premium segments to cater to a wide range of users.

How We're Setting the Stage: Key Elements of Our Strategy

Our marketing strategy is grounded in the classic 4Ps of Marketing: Product, Pricing, Placement, and Promotion. Each component is meticulously tailored to ensure we effectively meet the needs of pet parents and achieve our business goals.
Our primary offerings include three standout features. Firstly, the 'WebMD for Pets' provides a comprehensive, reliable source of pet health information, mirroring the trusted format of WebMD. Secondly, we foster a community for pet parents, creating a space for interaction, advice, and support. Lastly, we offer a vet consultation service, allowing users to connect with professional veterinarians for advice and care.
Our pricing strategy is designed to be accessible and flexible. The WebMD for Pets feature will be available for free, ensuring that essential pet health information is widely accessible. For those who wish to engage more deeply with our community features, we offer a subscription model priced at $4.5 per month. Additionally, our vet consultation service will operate on a commission basis, with a 15% fee applied to each consultation.
To maximize reach and convenience, our application will be available on both the App Store and Google Play Store. This dual-platform approach ensures we can cater to the widest possible audience, providing easy access for users regardless of their preferred device.
Our promotional efforts will leverage the power of social media marketing. We plan to engage with platforms such as TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram, where we can connect with pet parents through engaging content and influencer partnerships. By collaborating with pet influencers and running targeted ads on social media, we aim to build a strong, engaged community around our brand.

The financial forecast outlines our projected performance over six years, detailing assumptions, revenue, costs, and net income.
Starting with 100,000 free users in Year 1, we anticipate growing to 700,000 by Year 6. Subscription users are expected to rise from 8,000 in Year 3 to 220,000 by Year 6, with vet consultation users reaching 55,000 by Year 6.
Premium revenue is projected to grow from $432,000 in Year 2 to $11,880,000 by Year 6. Commission revenue from vet consultations starts at $675,000 in Year 4, reaching $3,093,750 by Year 6. Total revenue is expected to increase from $432,000 in Year 2 to $14,973,750 by Year 6.
User acquisition costs decrease from $500,000 in Year 1 to $200,000 by Year 6, while operating expenses rise from $300,000 to $1,500,000 over the same period.
Net Income
We anticipate initial losses of $800,000 in Year 1 and $618,000 in Year 2, turning to a profit of $386,000 in Year 3, and growing to $13,273,750 by Year 6. This forecast highlights our strategic path to profitability through user growth, diversified revenue streams, and cost management, ensuring robust financial health.

A unique platform designed specifically for young, first-time pet parents. Tailswags Wellness aims to address the common challenges faced by new pet owners, providing comprehensive support and resources through strategic partnerships with veterinary clinics, pet stores, influencers, and animal welfare organizations.The platform focuses on key activities such as content creation, vet network management, and community building. Supported by a dedicated team and robust technological infrastructure, Tailswags Wellness offers personalized recommendations, tailored content, and self-service support through a mobile app and social media channels.Our revenue model is built on subscriptions and commission fees, ensuring sustainable growth while keeping the platform accessible. Costs are managed through efficient app development, strategic partnerships, content creation, and targeted marketing efforts.Tailswags Wellness is beneficial as it reduces pet health-related pain points, saves time for pet parents, and increases accessibility to essential healthcare resources, veterinary services, and a supportive community. This comprehensive approach not only enhances the pet ownership experience but also fosters a strong, engaged community of pet owners.

Phase 1: Pre-launch Preparation (Month 1-2)
Finalize Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
: Freeze core functionalities based on user research and market analysis. Conduct internal testing to ensure smooth operation and identify critical bugs.
Beta Testing (2-4 Weeks): Recruit a targeted group of users to test the MVP and gather valuable feedback. Analyze results to refine the product and address usability issues before public release.
Develop Launch Content (Month 1-4): Create compelling marketing materials such as explainer videos, product brochures, and social media campaigns to generate pre-launch buzz and educate potential users about the product's value proposition.

Phase 2: Launch Planning (Month 3-4)
Brand Promotion Strategy
: Develop a comprehensive plan for promoting the product across various channels, including social media advertising, influencer marketing, and content marketing.User Onboarding Process: Design a seamless user onboarding experience that guides new users through the product's core functionalities and highlights its key benefits.
Community Building (Month 2 Onwards):  Start fostering a community around the product through forums, social media groups, or dedicated platforms. This fosters early interaction and engagement with potential customers.
Launch Events:  Organize launch events (physical or virtual) to generate excitement and create a sense of anticipation for the product's release.
Public Relations Outreach:  Initiate communication with relevant media outlets to secure positive press coverage and generate wider awareness about the product launch.

Phase 3: MVP Launch (Month 5)
Public Release
: Launch the minimum viable product to the general public, making it accessible through designated channels (website, app store, etc.).
Initial User Feedback: Implement mechanisms for gathering user feedback (surveys, reviews) to understand user experience and identify areas for immediate improvement.

Phase 4: Full Launch (Month 6)
Complete Feature Rollout
: Introduce all planned features and functionalities, transforming the MVP into a fully-fledged product.
Continued User Engagement: Implement strategies to maintain user engagement, such as in-app notifications, personalized recommendations, and loyalty programs.

Phase 5: Post-launch Optimization (Month 7 Onwards)
Data Collection & Analysis
: Continuously collect user data and feedback through various methods (analytics tools, user surveys, support tickets) to pinpoint areas for improvement and track key performance indicators (KPIs).
A/B Testing: Conduct A/B testing to compare different versions of product features and functionalities, allowing for data-driven optimization based on user behavior and preferences.

Phase 6: Ongoing Marketing & Expansion (Month 7 Onwards)
Marketing Strategy Implementation
: Execute the pre-defined marketing strategies to maintain product visibility, attract new users, and expand the user base.
Community Management:  Actively manage the product's online community, addressing user concerns, fostering positive interactions, and building a loyal customer base.
Data Analysis & Reporting: Regularly analyze gathered data and generate reports to track the product's performance, identify new growth opportunities, and inform future product development decisions.

How We'll Track Progress: Tailwags Wellness KPIs

The Tailwags Wellness app's success hinges on its ability to cultivate a thriving community of pet owners and achieve key performance indicators (KPIs) across various areas. Here's a glimpse into how we'll track progress and ensure we're wagging our tails towards the right goals.

Building a Loyal Pack: Customer Acquisition & Engagement
Our initial focus is on acquiring a substantial user base. We aim to reach 100,000 signups within the first year. But acquiring users is just the first step. We'll delve deeper through daily and monthly active users (DAUs and MAUs) and average time spent on the app to measure user engagement. A highly engaged user base is a healthy & vibrant one.

The Tail that Wags the App: Premium Conversion Rate (The Minimum Success Pawprint)
At the core of our success metrics lies the premium conversion rate – the percentage of free users who become paying subscribers.  This metric serves as our minimum success criteria. If we fail to convert a significant portion of free users to premium, the app wouldn't be considered a success.  In year two, we project a conversion rate of 5.33%, achieved through a strategic subscription model and commission fees from consultations.

Happy Howls: Customer Satisfaction
Keeping our furry friends' humans happy is paramount. We'll monitor customer satisfaction through the Net Promoter Score (NPS), a metric that gauges customer loyalty.  Our target for vet consultation satisfaction scores is a resounding 90% and above. Positive word-of-mouth from satisfied customers is a powerful tool for growth.

Growth Through Revenue Streams
The app will generate revenue through a subscription model offering premium features and commission fees from consultations facilitated within the platform. Tracking revenue growth will be a key indicator of the app's overall financial health and sustainability.

By closely monitoring these KPIs, we can ensure the Tailwags Wellness app delivers exceptional value to pet owners, fosters a thriving community, and achieves long-term success. We're committed to building a platform that wags not just tails, but the future of pet wellness.