Product Marketing


This case analyses the eastman kodak case during their launch of the funtime camera film series

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Rent the Runway

This case analysis is about Rent the Runway in its mission to give every girl their cinderella moment & beyond

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This case analysis dives into the depths of Casper Mattress Co's marketing channel dilemma to provide the customer, a good night's sleep for less

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This case analysis of Duolingo showcases its unique gamified approach to language learning, appealing to tech-savvy users, monetizing through freemium models and exploring new revenue from mastery certifications.

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This project highlights Basecamp's pricing model and the evaluation of new pricing models and the strategy to test them out using various testing methodologies.

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Mountain Man Brewing Company

Mountain Man Brewing Company is at the crossroads of letting go of its lager brewing image and launching a new line of light beer or keeping a brave face and die eventually, what should they do?

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PedalSpark is in a dilemma of whether to sell-to or sell-through!

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Olympic Rent-A-Car

Olympic Rent-A-Car is in the car rental business and faces competition from Enterprise, what should they do, compete or target a different segment?

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